Ken DiTomaso

BORN: January 1991JOINED THE DV STAFF: June 2010HOMETOWN: Abbotsford, British Columbia, CanadaNOW LIVING IN: AbbotsfordSPOUSE / KIDS: NadaFAVORITE ARTIST: GenesisOTHER ARTISTS I LIKE: Jellyfish, XTC, Yes, King Crimson, Ween, Rush, the Beach Boys, King Crimson, Sparks, Barenaked Ladies, The Residents, Pink Floyd, The New Pornographers, Of Montreal.BEER: Whatever you've got I'll give it a shot. OTHER HOBBIES: Songwriting, watching old movies, spending too much time on the Internet. PERSONAL MOTTO: What do you want from me?I WRITE MUSIC REVIEWS BECAUSE: ...random Internet strangers want to know my opinions. Don't they?
11 Posts

2010: New Music For A New Decade

There was a lot of excellent music put out this year, so why not compile it all down into list form? All the cool kids are doing it after all, so I might as well get my say in. Below you will find my top 10 albums of the year, along with some unranked honorable mentions and albums that either surprised or disappointed me. I must say, the decade of the ‘10s is off to a great start. 10.  OK Go - Of The Blue Colour Of The Sky Finally proving that they were more than their music videos, OK…
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