Julia Skochko

BORN: During the brief, terrifying time period between the launch of MTV and the formation of Metallica.JOINED THE DV STAFF: July 2008HOMETOWN: South JerseyNOW LIVING IN: Philadelphia and environsSPOUSE / KIDS?: Partner (Tim) / Mini-Me (Jacob)FAVORITE ARTIST: The Hold SteadyOTHER ARTISTS I LIKE: Electric Six, Flin Flon, Girls Against Boys, Hot Chip, Moby, Morphine, Pavement, Soul Coughing, TV on the Radio, Van She, Warren Zevon.BEER: St. Ides Special Blend. It's not beer, but it is Ice Cube-approved.OTHER HOBBIES: Running, cooking, acquiring college credit as cheaply as possible, urban exploration, rabble-rousing.PERSONAL MOTTO: "There's only one rule that I know of, babies — God damn it, you've got to be kind." -- Kurt VonnegutI WRITE MUSIC REVIEWS BECAUSE: ...I can't and I don't and I won't stop.
2 Posts

Mixtape Mondays: Walking In A Winter Wasteland

[Editor's note: Cover images of albums previously reviewed on the DV have been linked to the review.]Winter's got its good qualities.  Viewed in a positive light, it's a cavalcade of sparkly splendor, a months-long dispensation to wear stupid sweaters, light fires indoors and chug eggnog like it is Evian. But no matter how positive the light, the fact remains that there are a measly four hours of it per day.  The rest of the time, it is Dark.  And it is Cold.  The sky and earth are dirty chalkboards, washed in streaky gray.  Icy winds abrade skin and spirit.  Cars…
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Mixtape Mondays: Mama Mixtape

[Editor's note: Cover images of albums previously reviewed on the DV have been linked to the review.] "She Sells Sanctuary" – The Cult There's nothing cynical about this one. It's a straight-up rock ‘n’ roll love song anchored by a soaring guitar hook and Ian Astbury's sturdy English yowl. When you were a week old, we took a family trip to the diner. You still weren't nursing, or sleeping, or smiling. You were a scowling, spiky-haired bundle of complications. That night, when you started kvetching in your baby seat, I picked you up and paced around the table, bouncing in time…
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